Gudrun Liemberger
alles natürliche ist gut alles erkennen ist ein grosses geschenk
All rigths reserved by Gudrun Liemberger
Mind box
Foto Rainer Schnabl
my mind is full of everything and nothing -  sometimes at the same time - and i think  everything is good as it is and is as it should  be. though we can decide even more than we think we can. i could leave tomorrow for america  or africa - for china or russia for loving or fighting  for helping or to take what simply comes along . . .  i could go to a monastery for finding peace -  and then i think i am here with my body with  my loves to solve being human - with my feet  on venus - my heart beating with the storm  by yelling out loud trying to calm  down . . . good spirit is everywhere just gotta be aware             and take it